Oakestown Intermediate Seeks Donations for Picture Frame Project

Oakestown Intermediate School is embarking on a fun-filled initiative to fill our halls with the smiling faces of our incoming students, and we're calling on the community for support. The school is seeking donations of picture frames of all sizes to showcase the memories captured by fourth- and fifth-grade teachers this spring.
The goal is to collect as many picture frames as possible before spring break begins on March 29, 2024. This timeline will allow the school principal and his team to paint the frames, add the printed pictures and hang them before the official opening. The intention is not only to enhance the visual appeal of the halls but also to make the building feel welcoming for the students right from the start.
"We would love to get as many frames as we can by spring break," said Brian Mulder, the school's principal. "This will give us the opportunity to involve the community in the process, paint the frames in vibrant colors, add the students' pictures and have everything ready to welcome our fifth and sixth graders with a personalized touch. It will be a way to make the students feel like the building is already theirs."
Families are encouraged to contribute picture frames of any size by dropping them off at their current elementary school before the spring break deadline. The elementary school buildings will then collect and send the frames over to Oakestown, where the the frames will be transformed into a showcase of student memories.
Donations can be made starting Jan. 12, 2024, and the school anticipates completing the framing project before the beginning of the next school year.
For more information, contact Principal Mulder at 254-6750. Let's come together to "frame the future" for Oakestown Intermediate students!